
Be part of the crew that doesn't wait, but turns ideas into reality

- built by students for students -

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Take first step

Share your projects with others. SV crew make people that are ambitious, curious and brave. Gain traction, find your first customers or receive feedback from an amazing community.

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StudentVentures - Make ideas happen
Student collaboration platform

Collaborate with other students

StudentVentures helps you connect and collaborate with students from various fields and countries across Europe (for now!). We help you find great connections from different country or industry, motivated co-founders and passionate team. If you find someone working on an interesting project, reach out to them. You never know what door that could unlock.

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Tinder for ideas

Got an idea ... but no team yet? Go to the "Ideas" tab on SV. Create your idea card and tell us what kind of skills you're after in teammates. It's like Tinder, but for ideas. With a sprinkle of AI magic we'll connect you with perfect teammates asap.

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Tinder for ideas
Startup Serbia

Get noticed

Make your project or startup idea stand out and attract interest from industry leaders. Big potential partners and VC funds are searching for the best young innovators on StudentVentures. Great things happen when you put in your best effort, and StudentVentures is the platform to “make ideas happen”.

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